Protect Your Green Environment Jan-Feb 2021
May I wish all readers a very happy and healthy New Year as we look forward to lengthening days and signs of Spring in the next few...
Planning White Paper Numbers Nov-Dec 2020
Three different, connected, issues underline the importance of residents’ individual, responsible, action. Everyone should have responded...
Not so proactive nor robust! Sept-Oct 2020
Hayling’s precious value as a natural and refreshing respite from urban sprawl has been hugely valued over recent intense heat and COVID...
Planning Decisions Prioritised July-Aug 2020
Inevitably Covid-19 has impacted on our Councils’ functioning. The Coronavirus Act 2020 Section 78 (viewable online) and the National...
Virtual 'Democratic' Meetings? May-June 2020
Our Government relies heavily on individual cooperation to adhere to its rules, avoiding ‘heavy-handed’ policing where possible. Covid-19...
Complaint made over Sinah DMC Meeting
The Council’s Development Management Committee’s (DMC) October 29th meeting concerning Sinah Lane APP/18/00724 has resulted in a formal...
Havant Borough Local Plan - Decision
September’s Havant Borough Council Meeting approved the Local Plan to 2037 (HBLP): 27 For; 2 Against namely Hayling Councillors Clare...