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St. Mary's Road Developer

HIRA has just received the following from Gladman Developments regarding residential development land off St. Mary's Road. We have yet to determine if this is the site for 'uncertain potential' but we urge you to read the proposals and consider it against known infrastructure issues on Hayling Island. We have today emailed full details to all our members that includes a pdf detailed brochure but can copy the following for your information:

"Gladman Developments will shortly be commencing a public consultation exercise in relation to a proposed residential development at Land off St Mary’s Road, Hayling Island. In this respect I attach a copy of a consultation leaflet that will shortly be distributed to over 700 homes and businesses in the vicinity site.

The leaflet provides further details on our proposals and how local residents can provide feedback and respond to the consultation on-line or by post. More detailed information will be available on our dedicated consultation website at, which will go live on Monday 2nd December. A press advert providing details of the public consultation and how to comment on our proposals will also be published in The Hayling Islander newspaper on Friday 2nd December.

All comments received in response to the consultation will be taken into account prior to the submission of an planning application and will be detailed in an accompanying Statement of Community Involvement. Local residents and the Residents’ Association will also have the opportunity to comment on our proposals during the formal planning application process.

Should you have any questions in relation to our consultation exercise or wish to discuss this matter further please do not hesitate to contact me. Alternatively, if you feel that it would be helpful to discuss our proposals in a closed meeting forum, I would be grateful if you could provide us with details of your availability over the next two weeks in this respect.

Many thanks in advance, and we look forward to receiving the Residents’ Association’s feedback on our proposals in due course.

Kind regards


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