Lidl Proposal
Presumeably all Hayling Island residents will, by now, have received a letter and its invitation to an 'open day' this week for residents to view and discuss Lidl's development proposals at the corner of Church Rd. and Manor Rd. prior to their planning application submission. Lidl's letter clearly argues its reasons for being on Hayling.
There are strong views both for and against this proposal. Anyone intending to write to their Hayling Councillor, copy to Lidl (emails below), must first consider the consequences - both the unintended and the foreseeable - of having the 2 storey Lidl store at the roundabout juncture of Church Rd. and Manor Rd. The literature states that, as a discount foodstore, Lidl is only "complementary to other retailers" and will have a "limited range and low turnover" and "avoids the one-stop shop ...of the major supermarkets." There will be 129 free parking spaces and an area for cycle parking.
Questions to consider include whether or not any large store in this location, particularly one promoting discount products, will negatively impact on the existing traffic already on the A3023 and its feeder roads. Will its discount products increase customers from further afield to this key access/egress point for Hayling? How does this help the need for more and safe cycling commuting routes which 'sustainability' is supposed to include, according to National Planning guidelines?
Across the roundabout is the entrance not only to Mill Rythe Holiday Village but also to Mill Rythe Junior School. There are already insufficient spaces for parents' cars to drop their children at the school on this section of the A3023. Even if the parents were to use Lidl's car park, they still have to cross Hayling's main access road with their children twice a day. If Mill Rythe Holiday Village gains 12 months' residence occupation for its proposed increase in mobile homes and if it no longer permitted parents to park on their access road, how does a store like Lidl, that depends upon high frequency turnover, justify its location across from a School?
Whether or not a discount store will stop Hayling Island residents from driving off the Island because it satisfies their remaining shopping needs, the key issue is whether or not its location, as proposed, will be to the detriment of existing traffic problems on the A3023 or not. The Rook Farm Planning Application has also yet to be determined and would those customers cycle, walk or drive to Lidl's?
Email your views to your local Councillor/s, copy to either of the following as given in Lidl's letter, subject "Proposed Lidl Foodstore - Manor Road, Hayling Island": OR
As Lidl's letter clearly states and encourages, individual written responses to Councillors are very effective.