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Ferry Progress-At Last

The Hayling Ferry Working Party (HFWP), spear-headed and set up by resident Mark Coates, has worked very hard through many meetings this year to see tangible progress. Finally July’s Full Council Meeting approved the £20k remaining CIL moneys towards a Hayling minibus servicing the Ferry. Details need finalizing, but a Section 19 or 22 permit involving passengers’ donations is most likely. There must also be a decision on when this minimum 6 month trial will take place since we are already half way through the most lucrative period for the Ferry’s profitability. The current contract with Langstone Harbour Board results in a lean winter period with little reserve money – another area to be resolved.

The new Portsmouth City Council Administration, in favour of supporting the Ferry’s viability on their side of the Harbour, has agreed to a connecting bus route. Hayling’s Cllr. Pike, HBC’s Lead on Regeneration, himself acknowledged that sufficient numbers already travelling from Hayling to Southsea/Portsmouth justify linked transport on Hayling for the Ferry’s viability. Cllr. Clare Satchwell’s ‘marketing’ team for the HFWP have plans to encourage much greater Ferry use. Mark Coates explained that posters and social media will spread the word once the minibus is running.

Season Ticket charges for parking are due a significant increase after being frozen for 3-5 years. Other increased tariffs are due for 2018-19 plus more sizeable charges on Motorhomes, which may have better markings. Proposed Beachlands HBC patrols would be welcomed.

July’s Havant Borough Council (HBC) Meeting revealed that Capita, based at Chichester but working for HBC, has recently made 27 jobs redundant. It was further reported that NORSE, that took over Council work, is apparently frustrating not only residents but Councillors too: one reported waiting 15 minutes before getting the response required, despite knowing what to ask for. Apparently NORSE’s call centre is in the Midlands and callers complain of little understanding of Hayling problems. Islanders continue to complain about lack of sufficient bins either for dog refuse or otherwise especially around our Nature Reserve.

The recent Facebook petition eliciting support for a Hayling Council is a recurrent idea, seriously considered for years. If for a Parish Council a Petition needs 7.5% of local electors as the first of a lengthy process. Online provides details.

Contact HIRA or drop boxes: Hayling Community Centre, West Town, Mengham Library, Morris Dibben, Mengham, The Terracotta Pot and Gift Shop, Eastoke.

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