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Hayling Hustings!

Thanks to enthusiastic Committee members & a most helpful URC Booking Agent we have, at short notice, a Local Election Hustings booked as follows: URC Main Hall, Friday April 26th 7:15pm for prompt 7:30 pm start. Posters going up once created/printed probably this Saturday/week-end but please do ALL you can to advertise/spread the word on FB, to friends, neighbours, other organizations. As a few of you will know from our Feb. meeting, if we are over-full, we will refuse entry so be early if you are keen to come.

As before, bring your questions, hand in a copy on entry with your eg first name if you want to ask it yourself, otherwise of course we'll take questions from the floor once those on paper have been asked/answered. Ideally I'll put questions to each of the candidates unless one is definitely candidate specific. We'll finish after questions dealt with or at about 9:40pm, whichever is earlier, to pack away & vacate the hall for 10:00pm. There may be refreshments.

Please support your Association & your Island by attending: we all know that watching our candidates in person & 'live' is often salutary. Whatever our views on possible outcomes, participating in our democratic process is vital for its survival! Let's show our candidates that we want to know what they think. The April Islander p.3 helpfully reminds us that our taxes pay our Councillors and you may also know that they are paid expenses for attendance at Meetings - whether or not those are 2 separate payments we can find out during the Hustings.

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