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Development Comments

April Herald HIRA 2022

If you haven’t written your comment either online or in writing regarding: Fathoms Reach APP/22/00001 for 51 dwellings; Rook Farm APP/21/01434 up to 300 dwellings, please do so urgently. A Planning Officer explained that, whilst the Neighbour Consultation Expiry (listed under an Application’s ‘Important Dates’) may have passed – and even be altered – Planning Officers may still consider comments until a final decision is reached. How to comment: either complete the form within that particular Application or type/write onto a word document, email to Both email and handwritten comments, must include the APP reference, whether Objection or Support or Neutral, with your name, address to: Planning Department, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Rd., Havant PO9 2AX. What to write: specific, current factual issues. These might include: traffic constraints/dangers, inadequate cycling/pedestrian routes; established habitats threatened by the development especially those recorded/photographed; environmental sustainability eg relating to ongoing Budds Farm pollution that will be exacerbated by increasing waste and surface water run-off; Local Plan Inspectors remain concerned about St. Mary’s Church historic listing and access to Rook Farm; any climate change impacts.

On this theme, Cllr. Quantrill’s self-confessed “dreams”, many unrealistic, headed ‘Local Cycling & Walking Plan’ ((The Hayling Trader pp36-7 March-April) begs the question of why he published it. Cycle Hayling spokesman, Wilf Forrow, stated they knew nothing of this Plan and did not support it. Residents who have read Hayling’s Transport Assessment, part of the Council’s submitted Local Plan, point out that the map is completely inconsistent with it. March 11th I attended, with other Hayling and Langstone residents, the Council’s virtual Hayling Transport Assessment “approach to summer/weekend transport impact of Local Plan development” chaired by Cllr. Clare Satchwell and including David Hayward, providing Local Plan Updates, and Chris Stanyard for Campbell Reith who provide the Transport Modelling. A similar meeting for Developers was held the previous week. It appears that the Council are endeavouring to ensure they have heard and heeded residents’ concerns and we also hope that they will act on their agreement to keep us updated with the parameters for the modelling. Residents raised questions for further consideration such as: what impact will the new Highway Code 8 rules (to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and riding horses) have on Hayling’s A3023 network; what practical solutions will be provided to successfully deter private car use, given the current completely inadequate cycling and pedestrian provision; how effectively can the A3023 be safe-guarded against known rising sea levels and year-round storm surges.

Anyone who has not yet read the Inspectors’ momentous factual requirements of our Council before it re-submits a re-worked Local Plan, should take the time to do so. The Inspectors agreed with so much of what your campaigning residents argued at the Hearings. Either ask the Council to provide you with copies or download them, free, to your computer or print them off from:, type Local Plan in the search bar, click on Local plan examination, to find listed The Inspector’s various reports/letters: CR18, CR21, CR23.


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