Polling Need to Know!
The Council has only just sent this in this evening so please share it!
Everything you need to know before polling day tomorrow
Find your polling station
Polling stations will be open from 7am-10pm tomorrow - Thursday 6 May.
Find out which polling station you should vote in by using our polling station quick search tool or by checking the details on your poll card.
You do not need to take your poll card with you to vote, but it will help polling station staff find your address on the voting register if you do.
Safety at polling stations
In order to make polling stations as safe as possible tomorrow, there are a few things you must do if coming to vote in person:
Remember to wear a face covering. Spares will be available at each polling station.
Use the hand sanitiser provided. We will provide hand sanitiser at all entrances and exits. Disinfectant wipes will also be available.
Keep a safe distance from others. Staff will be on hand to greet you and remind you to keep a safe distance from others inside and outside the polling station.
Come to vote at quieter times. Polling stations will be busier at the start and end of the day, so come during the middle of the day if you can.
Bring your own pen or pencil to vote. Or we will have a large supply of pencils that can be disinfected throughout the day.
In addition to the above, polling stations will be deep cleaned the night before, and voting booths will be wiped down regularly throughout the day. You may find there is a one way system to follow when you arrive at your station, and staff will be wearing masks or visors throughout the day.
Do not leave your home if you have any coronavirus symptoms
If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:
A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
You should get a test as soon as possible. You and anyone you live with should stay at home and not have visitors until you get your test results.
You should not attend the polling station.
Voting by post
If you are voting by post in the elections, you will have already received your ballot papers. We must receive your postal vote back by 10pm tomorrow - Thursday 6 May.
If you have left it too late to post your postal vote, you can hand this in to any polling station or to The Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX by close of poll at 10pm on Thursday 6 May.
If your postal vote has been lost or damaged, you can collect a replacement until 5pm tomorrow. Replacements can be collected by appointment from The Public Service Plaza. Please telephone 023 9244 6225/6.
Emergency proxy vote
If you cannot vote in person due to work-related reasons or a medical emergency that occurred after 5pm on Tuesday 27 April, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote.
This is where you appoint someone you trust to vote on your behalf. The application must be supported by your employer or a health professional.
You can also apply if you have to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19.
If you have any questions, want to apply or need more information, please contact us before 5pm tomorrow on 023 9244 6225/6..
More information about all of the elections taking place across in the borough tomorrow, your frequently asked questions, where and when you will find the results and lots more information can be found on our website at www.havant.gov.uk/may-2021-elections
Election results
Following the elections and the close of poll at 10pm on Thursday 6 May you will be able to find results for:
Hampshire County Council election here on Friday 7 May 2021.
Havant Borough Council election here on Saturday 8 May 2021.
Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner election here on Monday 10 May 2021.
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