Our Meetings
All are welcome to our next brief AGM/Public Meeting: Councillor Phil Munday, Leader of Havant Borough Council, will present on the Council's plans for the Borough. Put your questions, join in the discussion. Date: Friday October 25th 7:15 for 7:30pm at Hayling's Community Centre, Station Rd., Hayling. See you there!
Our Objectives
to represent residents in forums affecting Hayling Islanders' lives and inform them of any outcome;
to strive to improve the quality of Hayling Islanders' life;
to be responsive as far as possible within available resources by monitoring proposed planning and recommending suitable modification .......

Anne Skennerton
Join Us
We always welcome new members to our Association.
Membership commences September 1st and is £5 per annum per household; minimum age 18.
Please provide us with your full details and method of payment as detailed below. Any questions please use this website's Contact Form for HIRA.
Please note we take Data Protection very seriously and never share your personal details with a third party.
Payment Method
We prefer payment by BACS or Standing Order using your full name/s as reference: TSB, Elm Grove a/c 00797023 Sort Code 30-15-42.
Alternatively by cheque payable to: 'Hayling Island Residents' Association' with your details in a sealed envelope, labelled HIRA Membership to a 'Drop Box' for collection by HIRA, please ask a staff member at one of:
Hayling Island Community Centre, West Town.
Morris Dibben, Mengham.
The Library.
The Terracotta Pot Shop, Eastoke.