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Rook Farm Application

Gladman Developments Limited have had their Planning Application posted online by Havant Borough Council Planning Department as of this week. Details can be found on HBC's Planning website APP/17/00007 where the documents can be accessed. The following link should take you there and ignore any error or 'timed out' message, continue to type in Rook Farm Hayling Island in the search bar half way down and it should come up; otherwise go to Havant BC website, click on Planning, then View Planning then type in Rook Farm Hayling, search.

A Sunday Times article referred to 'rapacious' developers such as Gladman as far back as November 3rd 2013; this article can be found via a search engine or this link​

It comments that "Canny developers have found a way to secure approval for controversial housing schemes opposed by local residents by appealing to national inspectors." Such property speculators exploit planning loopholes and take a percentage of profits from selling on greenfield sites with planning permission.

The Government has been repeatedly asked to plug such Planning loopholes but has so far refused to do so.

Not only is Rook Farm (UE77) a 'deferred' site in terms of Havant BC"s Housing Statement to 2023, its fields do have recognized Brent Geese occupation (300 recorded at a time) and Natural England have so notified the Council. These fields are Grade 2, versatile Agricultural land so they would be a major irreplaceable loss of such higher quality land.

It is most important to take the time to read through the documents available. After doing so please consider making your comments about this Application either on the Planning website under the 'Comments' heading or by post to:

Planning Development, Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 2AX

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