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Public Meeting: 14th October

Our Public Meeting, free to all, commences on Friday October 14th at 7:30 pm sharp in the main Hall of Hayling Island Community Centre in West Town. We anticipate a short AGM first - all relevant papers have been distributed to our members so if you are a member and haven't received them, get in touch via this website urgently please! We will then lead into our speaker, Alan Mak MP's, address. Andrew Biltcliffe, Head of Havant Borough Council Planning, has agreed to be present but only to help answer any technical questions relating to the new Housing Plan 2036.

We are inviting copies of your questions to be handed in at the entrance so that our roving mic can be handed to those asking questions. We will take questions from the floor if there is time. We must conclude and vacate the Hall for 10 pm. This is an important meeting because not only can you hear and ask questions of our relatively newly elected MP, but also you can put questions about topical matters that may have a potentially huge impact on our Island.

It is worth noting that we invited Alan Mak long before the new Housing Plan 2036 was made public, nevertheless we are sure that you will not want to miss the opportunity to hear his address.

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