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Havant Borough's Residents Form Alliance

The Havant B.C. Housing Plan 2036 has sparked such strong public feeling right across the Borough that 10 strong stakeholders' groups, representing between them a large cross-section of our residents, have submitted an impassioned letter to Councillor Cheshire, Leader of Havant B.C. The joint letter, co-signed on Hayling Island residents' behalf by HIRA, expresses the following:

  • our residents are horrified at the potential loss of large, important green spaces

  • they feel ignored and that so-called Strategic Sites are being foisted upon them

  • there has been inadequate communication with the public and poor access to information

  • there were no public notices in Serving You or local papers such as the Ems

  • local groups, in place of the Council, had to work very hard over school holidays just to alert their members and the public to the existence of the Public Consultation

  • this is unacceptable given the far-reaching and potentially damaging consequences of the proposals and undermines thorough public involvement

  • there is strong public feeling that all reasonable, sustainable alternatives to green field development have not been evaluated and that hasty and irrevocable decisions could be taken on questionable evidence

  • each of the 10 groups signing has sent very detailed objections on behalf of its members who represent a significant proportion of the Borough's residents

  • the 10 groups invite Cllr. Mike Cheshire, Cllr. David Guest, Chief Executive Sandy Hopkins, Head of Planning Andrew Biltcliffe and Planning Policy Team leader David Hayward to meet urgently with representatives of the groups named below before 26th October

  • we request that residents' and stakeholders' comments be accepted up to a week before 26th October.

The stakeholders' groups signing are as follows:

Hayling Island Residents' Association

Langstone Village Association

Langstone Residents' Association

West Bedhampton Residents' Association

Save Old Bedhampton

Warblington and Denvilles Residents' Association

Westbourne Parish Council

Emsworth Residents' Association

Friends of the Earth Havant & East Hampshire

Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, Hampshire

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