Funding for Hayling Groups
Funding for Hayling groups: whilst technically this deadline has just passed it may still be worth you contacting Graeme Moir ...
All Change: Ward Boundaries!
Have your say on new ward boundaries! Consultation closes Monday July 18th. Proposals include cutting Havant's ward number from 14 to 12...
101 & 999 Experience Survey
Hampshire Constabulary is urging the public "to take a few minutes to tell the police chiefs about their experiences of the 101 and 999...
Passenger Transport: have your say!
Hampshire County Council Transport Consultation online forum registration required for attendance. Please complete the form found online...
Havant Electoral Reform
Local Government Boundary Commission Consultation closes July 18th 2022 Have your say A consultation on draft...
Hampshire Passenger Transport Forums
Notice from Hampshire this week as follows: Dear Colleague Further to our recent correspondence, we are writing to invite you to register...
Deadline May 12th! Please visit & complete for...
Nature Emergency & Havant
Zoom Talk: Wednesday May 11th 7pm Message from Havant Climate Alliance: Please pass this on to anyone else who might be interested in...
Streetsafe Support
Hampshire Constabulary is delighted to announce it will be supplying 100 tabards to welfare officers working in bars and nightclubs...