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Target Speeding

If you subscribe to Hampshire Alerts you already know about this, but for those who don't, you might be interested in the following which is taken directly from their email to subscribers today. Please note that any references to 'I' & 'we' relate to the author, PCSO 16314 Heather Wright for Hampshire Police, as this is their community messaging service, and if you wish to respond in any way, please do so directly to the email given below:

[PCSO 16314 Heather Wright] responded to as many people as I could and we now have a small team of volunteers signed up ready and waiting to help out! I am in discussion with them as to where they would like to target speeding on Hayling and now I am asking for your feedback/requests/opinions as to where you think we should target speeding?

I know this is a hot topic amongst residents of the Island as I frequently get stopped whilst on patrol to discuss speeding- especially speeding along the Sea Front! So now is your time to discuss this matter!

Myself and the Hayling Island Police team have scheduled in many more Speed Camera Ops on the Island this year and we have also had the help from Traffic and their Speed camera van.

The top 3 places/roads on the Island that has been mentioned to me, that the majority of people would like to target speeding are:

Havant Road

Sea Front


The Speed Watch Volunteers will be out and about on Hayling in the next few months helping to educate and deter speeding whilst working alongside the Police.

Vacancies are still available if you would like to find out more information or join then please contact me via email-

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