Farmland Development
Barratt will present a Public Exhibition at Hayling Island Community Centre for its proposed Residential Development on farmland off Sinah Lane and close to the Billy Trail. Date: Wednesday October 4th 1 pm - 7:30 pm.
It is vital that everyone remotely concerned about increasing development on Hayling attend and inform themselves about this proposed development. We understand that this is one of the few fields that would be well above any possible, future flooding on Hayling and, as such, we should be ensuring that it is protected from building works that would prevent it from being used in the future to provide essential public buildings and even refuge.
It is important to keep in mind that many new housing developments require those residents to privately pay for drainage and possibly roads and such costs may not remain affordable.
Finally, the A3023 remains the only road connecting Hayling to the mainland. The Infrastructure Advisory Group Meeting has been informed during its 2017 Meetings that Hayling neither does nor is likely ever to have the residential and industrial population to justify another road off the Island.