Ambulance Deployment:Changes
HIRA's forthcoming Public Meeting & AGM will now include the following:
1) Richard Coates, a Governor of South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) region, will update us on a major change in the deployment of ambulance resources across the UK & on October 31st specifically in our region.
2) Brief update on Infrastructure Advisory Board re Hayling .
3) Development Consultation Forum re 162 mixed tenure Homes for land north of Sinah Lane PO11 0EY: this is site UE18 'of uncertain potential' p12 of the Local Plan 2036. HIRA has been asked - and accepted - to speak at a Council Meeting, open to the public, at the Plaza on Tuesday 14th November 2017 6-8 pm, doors open from 5:30 pm. View Barratt's briefing note and Location plan on Havant BC's website:
Attached 'Sinah Field' document is a copy of the Council's information to HIRA to pass on to our members.
Hand in your own, concise views please, to us within the next 2 weeks EITHER at this Thursday's meeting OR email HIRA AND encourage non email users to use our drop boxes to write in their opinions (Library, Morris Dibben, The Terracotta Pot & Gift Shop, HI Community Centre West Town). We need ALL your views in order to best represent our members and Hayling residents.
It is essential that our 3 Council Speakers, and any attending Councillors, know your feelings and views at our Public Meetings. Please make every effort to attend and encourage others to do so.