Havant Local Plan
Message from Havant Borough Council re Local Plan 2036:
"We would like to thank everyone who attended our Draft Local Plan 2036 Exhibitions at the beginning of the year and those who took the time to submit a representation about the draft plan.
Since the consultation ended we have been looking through all of your representations in order to ascertain what the best way forward with next edition of the plan will be. It is anticipated that we will be publishing all of the representations in late-May 2018. Alongside these, we will also be publishing a report which summarises all of the points raised about each policy and the Council’s intended way forward.
We will send out a further email to notify you all when the representations and report have been published on our website in May.
If at any point you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us, either by emailing us at policy.design@havant.gov.uk or by calling us on 02392 446539.
Kind regards
The Planning Policy Team"