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Sinah Lane Letter

David Hayward, Havant BC Planning Policy Manager, notified HIRA of the following letter which residents had already posted on social media. Barratt's electronic outline map of its proposed development is available on application from HIRA.

"The attached letter and leaflet was distributed to the immediate neighbours of the site and is I’m sure of interest to everyone on the Infrastructure Advisory Group mailing list. I believe it’s on social media already.

We have not yet received a planning application for the site though obviously we anticipate one in the coming days/weeks. I’d just like to highlight that there is sometimes a bit of a gap between when we initially receive the developers [sic] application and when it is validated (ie they’ve provided all of the information they need to in order to determine the application). It is only made public once the application is validated - we’ll send out a link to the application on our website once it’s been validated." David Hayward

Barratt's Letter:

Dear Resident

We are writing to you as a resident immediately neighbouring land off Sinah Lane which, as you know, is being brought forward by Barratt Homes for new family homes.

You may recall that we held a public exhibition on plans for 162 new homes in October 2017 and a Development Consultation Forum at Havant Borough Council in November 2017. Since that time, we have been working to positively progress the proposals.

We have continued discussions with Havant Borough Council, including with the Council’s ecology team and the RSPB to secure the delivery of an important ecological area to the north of site as a Wader and Brent Goose Refuge area. This area was not included in our original plans and is now coming forward following comments raised by the community at our public consultation and from the Council.

The Wader and Brent Goose Refuge area, which sits to the north of the site up to the coastline, will be positively managed to deliver a natural habitat providing significant biodiversity benefits and protected in perpetuity.

The delivery of the Wader and Brent Goose refuge area also enables a comprehensive masterplan for the entire site off Sinah Lane to come forward cohesively, including an area of land which was previous shown as vacant land. To assist the Council in meeting its housing need requirements and to provide certainty for the entire site, we have revised the proposals to include additional homes in this area. The whole site would therefore provide a total of 195 new family homes, including 58 affordable homes (30%) and more meaningful open space.

For your reference, I have enclosed a copy of the latest site plan.

Next steps

It was initially proposed to submit a planning application in late January 2018 following the publication of the Hayling Island Highways and Transport Infrastructure Assessment. However, at the time of writing the Assessment has not yet been published.

The need for new housing across Havant is current and pressing. For instance, our development at The Oysters, Station Road has seen 28% of homes being sold to residents already from Hayling Island and 32% to those already living in Havant. In total 77% of all homes at The Oysters have been sold to residents from Hampshire.

Given the local demand for new and affordable homes, as well as the need to improve housing land supply across Havant District, we are intending to submit a planning application in July.

We understand that the Hayling Island Highways and Transport Infrastructure Assessment will be published soon, and our application will therefore be considered alongside this Assessment. The way in which the scheme will support the delivery of new infrastructure will be discussed with officers as part of the planning process.

I hope this update is helpful. Should you wish to discuss the proposals, please do not hesitate to contact James Mallinson at Dev Comms, our community engagement consultant, by email at or by phone at 0800 080 3161.

Yours sincerely

Stuart Goodwill

Head of Planning – Barratt Homes Southampton

Enc. [Please contact HIRA for electronic copy of proposed outline plan from Barratt.]

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