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Parking Charges

In its July Committee Meeting HIRA discussed HBC’s planned parking increase. In the Cabinet's June 27th Meeting it was stated that the last parking review was in 2013. HIRA has asked Hayling Councillors why there has been such a delay which appears to have resulted in increased parking charges by as much as 50% in some cases. On the Council's website can be found, under Meetings, then Cabinet Meetings, reference to the June 27th Meeting and both the Agenda, Documents and Draft Minutes; these can all be viewed online and both at the Plaza and our Library. Details of the charges - current and proposed - can be seen for the whole Borough. The Season Ticket increase is due to increase by 20% & some hourly charges could rise by 50%. At a time when many people’s income has also been subject to a freeze, this is not good news for Hayling’s residents and our tourist economy.

HIRA's Committee discussed the possibility of a Discount Card providing 25% for Islanders’ parking but the concern is that the bureaucracy involved including costs of creating and administering, and the difficulty of justifying a Hayling only discount when there are other areas in the Borough equally anxious to encourage local parking, made this idea untenable. Perhaps readers might like to approach Councillors to ask for their views.

An important question is also exactly how much - if any amount - of the net profit of the moneys raised by Hayling's many car parks is ploughed back onto Hayling and in what ways. It has been suggested that such money could be ring-fenced. We are well aware that Council policy is that all car parks must be self-financing but we would still like to know exactly how much is left after essential running and maintenance costs. Surely Hayling's status as a major attraction for the Borough's Tourist Trade as well as regional Marine Industry business are both strong arguments for ensuring that our coastal facilities continue to attract visitors and businesses.

We have asked a number of questions of each of our Councillors and await their response. Concerned residents might like to take up their own issues with their Councillors.

Further information from the Council's Public Pack for the Agenda on the website:

2018 – 2019 Implementation Costs Action Estimated Cost

Re-programming parking meters to account for new tariffs for 2018/19 £3,150 Amendments to tariff boards to reflect revised charges for 2018/19 £7,616

Advertising new tariffs in The Hampshire Independent £500

Amendments to Ringo tariff £980 Amendments to Sidem parking software £1,800 Estimated Total: £14,046

Public Consultation will take the form of: a press release, use of the Council’s website and through Serving You magazine as appropriate. Any alterations to parking charges would also be notified within the Council’s car parks to fulfil their statutory duty. The erection of a public notice within each car park for a period of 28 days and within the local free newspaper, The Hampshire Independent.

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