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Urgent: Sinah Comments

The application APP/18/00724 for the erection of 195 dwellings on the entire field North of Sinah Lane, is now live with the 27th August as the deadline for comments. Either enter Havant Borough Council then Planning then Search for... and enter this Application number or try the following direct link:

HBC legally want all comments within 21 days! An extension to the legal date was requested on the grounds that it is a 'major' application and the fact that it is a holiday period for many residents, but to no avail.

However, it is very likely we have longer to comment as they will accept letters after this date due to the 13 week minimum determination period and the other issues relating to Hayling Island infrastructure. Barratt Homes actually say they will be completing a Planning Performance Agreement with HBC. HBC's Planning Office state "However, we are generally happy to accept representations and comments after that date, and they will still be taken into consideration up until the application is determined." Nevertheless any comments need to be sent in, with their reasonings, as a matter of urgency.

We are still very concerned about the legal standing of public objections after 27th August as HBC only require 21 days from August 6th for all consultation to be considered. Residents are horrified at the timing of this application, right in the summer holidays for so many residents despite the fact that the transport and highways assessment has not yet been published as acknowledged by Barratt Homes themselves.

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