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Langstone Roadworks

Works to start on 1st October for ‘phase 2’ of the off-road cycle track scheme. The main components are to improve the pedestrian island in the entrance of the Technology Park, closing out the south side flare in the Langbrook Close entrance (in the same way that we did the north side flare last year) to discourage ‘u’ turning; along with various minor works along the footway south to Mill Lane. This will then allow the conversion of the footway to ‘shared’ status. All proposals have been vetted through the Safety Audit procedure to ensure compliance with current standards.

Phase 3, expected next year, will extend the route past the pub and hotel and link up with the subway under the A27 to complete this element of the network proposals.

We plan the work to be carried out in the same way as last year, with a small amount of night working after 8pm but most of it being done 9.30am – 4pm Monday – Friday. Again as before, the compound will be set up on the public highway outside 4-6 Langbrook Close and will be reinstated on completion. The contractor we are using is Rocon Contractors Ltd who are based in Bramley near Basingstoke. We expect the work to take 5 weeks.

Steve Mountain

Civil Engineering Team Leader

Civil Engineering and Landscape Team

Havant Borough Council

Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX

Telephone: 023 9244 6444

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