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Hayling Regeneration

Cllr. Pike urges all residents to read the Council's revised Regeneration Strategy which the Cabinet will be discussing in their Meeting this afternoon. This will be debated by Council on November 7th. Residents are advised to write to their Councillors, email or letter, with cc to Cllr. Pike and HIRA if they wish to make any comments or suggestions.

The document, entitled 'Opportunity Havant' sub-heading A Regeneration Strategy for Havant Borough 2018-2036, can be found as follows:

Either use the following link then finding Item 7 Additional Document "Regeneration Strategy' which you might be able to download.

Or open Havant Borough Council website Home Page, click on Our Organization, then click Calendar of Meetings (may be slow), then click October 24th Cabinet, then find Item 7 Additional Document "Regeneration Strategy' which you might be able to download.

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