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Hayling Vision?

HBC's 'Forward Thinking' Regeneration Document includes its (future) vision for Hayling, copied below [2]. Please note that we are not being provided with the 5 background documents [see 1. below], despite our request that 'sensitive' areas be redacted then published. We also don't yet have either the Traffic Simulation Report nor the eventual Infrastructure final report, so we don't have the necessary information on which to base meaningul comments to our Councillors, prior to their vote - November 7th - on whether or not to accept this 'vision'. Nevertheless it's important that residents make their own views known asap to their Councillors prior to Nov. 7th. The full document link is provided in our earlier Latest Post on Regeneration.

1. "A schedule of projects has been developed in the five key development areas. This list makes up the Regeneration Programme. This programme is a separate, dynamic document setting out the details of individual projects including some which are commercially sensitive. The delivery of the projects on the Regeneration Programme will be progressed in a way that is focussed on the objectives of this strategy."

2."Hayling Island has developed its own character that reflects its stunning coastal location, history and importance in the development of water sports, including being the birthplace of windsurfing. It has new desirable, higher-rise accommodation in the East Hayling area, with flood defences supporting the developments. East Hayling has an international reputation with the marina and the Sailing Club providing access to the open English Chanel making it a premier destination on the south coast. Its exclusivity has meant that Hayling has protected its wild coast charm elsewhere on the island. The development at Eaststoke acts as a focal point for East Hayling with its coffee houses, restaurants and high-quality accommodation all within a stunning public realm that is a place where people have fun and socialise all year round. The redevelopment of the central Funlands area has seen residential and leisure development where people can socialise, have fun and enjoy the wonderful environment. West Beach water sports area has seen the development of top class facilities for water sports enthusiasts, a range of accommodation including ‘pod hotels’ and a cluster of shabby chic eateries that have made it an international mecca for the extreme sports community and the location of a number of international competitions. Removal of flood defences has allowed the beach to find its own position. Beach huts and accessible walkways have been put in place so that everyone can enjoy one of the best beaches on the south coast no matter what their age or mobility. Development interest in the island prompted by the enhanced visitor offer has made the construction of a second public transport/autonomous vehicle bridge linking the island with Havant Rail Station economically viable. An area just on the island developed as the Hayling Gate provides facilities and up to date visitor information for people heading onto the island. There is parking and public transport links to the rest of the island that provides a park and ride service easing congestion in busy summer months. Investment in advanced forms of sustainable transport has reduced reliance on the car and allowed for the creation of more pleasant, healthier, pedestrian based environments."

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