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Tony's Funeral Date

We've had many requests for this information and I have permission of Tony's widow, Jeannette, to publish the date of his Funeral.

Friday November 30th 10:45 am at The Oaks, Havant Crematorium. The Wake venue will be announced at this Service.

I spoke with Grady's Family Funeral Care, 23 Mengham Rd. PO11 9BG and they explained that the family prefer donations to Pancreatic Cancer UK; if cheques to this Charity are given/sent to Grady's they will list them for the family then send them on to the Charity. Tony is survived by his widow Mrs. Jeannette Higham, his son Jonathan and daughter Fiona.

It will be clear from the above that Tony died from Pancreatic Cancer although, despite not feeling in the best of health for a long time, he remained active, even went on holiday up until a few weeks before his diagnosis and death last week.

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