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New Developments!

4 Hayling Deputations at yesterday's critical Council vote on the Local Plan, together with campaigners' intensive work behind the scenes with Cllr. Clare Satchwell recently, have had encouraging results for Hayling's future. It is still vitally important that everyone stays abreast of developing Local Plan issues. With a 6 week Consultation coming up, every one of us has to make relevant responses (following guidelines to be provided by HBC) all of which will be provided to the Inspector at the Examination in Public later this year. Ensure you use the HBC link to subscribe for latest information:

At Cabinet yesterday afternoon, Cllr. Satchwell gained approval of an important, last, Amendment - now known as the 'Satchwell Amendment' as follows:

2.1 Cabinet recommends to Full Council that it:

n) Delegates authority to the Planning Policy Manager1, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Communities, Development and Housing1, to publish version two of the Hayling Island and Mainland Transport Assessments, in order to clarify the mitigation packages needed to accommodate development, prior to the submission of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

[My note: the number 1 in 2 places simply refers to a footnote stating:

"or successor in similar or equivalent role" ]

Cllr. Satchwell explained:

I sought this because I wanted it to be formally clear that the transport assessment is NOT complete. I also believe that should any of the sites come to committee prior to the Local Plan being submitted the Development Management Committee would clearly be able to see that the transport assessment is in no way complete. This should assist the committee with reasons for refusal as it would be premature.

She further added that this also sets to re open engagement with community groups. We need [to]make sure there is a cohesive approach to this and get this going next week.

After Full Council had heard 14 Deputations, 3 from Hayling, the Pre-Submission Local Plan was passed together with the Satchwell Amendment above. A Vote to remove Long Copse Lane from the Plan was, it appeared from show of hands, narrowly lost although we were not told the voting numbers. Old Bedhampton's Deputations for its removal/safeguarding were particularly poignant, but its Councillor stated he would help contest proposed development.

It is now even more important for you to attend our open February 27th 7:30 pm Meeting at URC presented by Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership, because you really need to hear and understand just what the predicted future holds for Hayling's coastlines.

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