Recycled Effluent in our Drinking Water
Tracey Viney, retired Drinking Water Expert, gave an excellent presentation at last Tuesday's meeting, explaining with clear slides & explanations why everyone must email, as explained further below, Southern Water to object with reasons why the company's desired effluent recycling project must not go ahead. The company stands to make more money from infrastructure building than by choosing genuinely cheaper & environmental alternatives. We will be paying the huge cost of the company's project & its need for constant upgrades, maintenance, endlessly into the future. Act now!
Tracey is working with the community & this is her message to us all:
Thank you for inviting me to the Hayling Island residents meeting on Tuesday night, I really appreciate people staying late to hear about the communities' concerns about Southern Waters plans for effluent recycling to create drinking water to be supplied to both Portsmouth Water and Southern Water customers. It was really good to have so many great questions. I have attached my presentation slides, but as discussed members can find more information on the community website [link below]. Further content will also be added over the coming weeks.
The Havant Matters website is now up and running and your members can use the following links to find;
The list of key concerns I went though in my presentation can be found at:
More detailed notes on the topics below at:
I hope that this will provide your members with enough information to understand the concerns and make there own response to the consultation by emailing Southern Water. The closing date is 23 July 2024
Email comments to:
Important: if you have already completed Southern Water's guided consultation, you must now write your own email, using whichever issues/concerns you have taken from the plentiful information provided from the above links - use them please! Also if you want Tracey's clear slide presentation pack request it from or complete the form on this web page.
The closing date is 23 July 2024, we need everyone who is concerned about the impacts to respond.
If residents have questions not answered by the webpages they can be sent via the Havant Matters website, contact form.