Lacking Transparency
This is an extremely important issue highlighted by this week's Cabinet Meeting that was followed by Havant Borough Residents' Alliance (HBRA) members. The decision re Brockhampton West may not, on the face of it, seem relevant to Hayling, but may I suggest that you take the time to read the link to Havant Civic Society website
for excellent summary of how our Council's decision-making is, arguably, adversely affecting the future of Havant: the funding of its services and plans which affect Hayling too. The Chair of HBRA, who has herself carefully followed Council events for a very long time, also makes comment further below and which are important for us all to note. Map of this land adjacent to Tear Drop Junction available directly from this domain or found on our Facebook with Logos.
Please read and, if inspired, do email/write in to your local Councillors and the NEWS - all addresses available online. If actions such as these are not shared and widely known by everyone, the electorate cannot make informed decisions either at the ballot-box or otherwise.
"Once again there has been a lack of transparency. Only the Cabinet had access to all the papers and part of the meeting was confidential which all councillors apart from Cabinet were also excluded from. My own concern is that the site was just described as a former land fill. It was originally but then in use as a playing field. lt was used as a temporary site store for the contractor working in the Teardrop junction.The site was then just left by HBC to become overgrown. They must have been aware of the site history it is very convenient to call it landfill. If HBC had gone through an outline planning appliction before disposal all this information would be in the public domain. They decided to sell the site without outline consent, HBC claim because of the cost."