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Online Talk:Effluent Recycling Concerns and a Better Way Forward November 19th 7pm

Tracey Viney is a retired drinking water inspector with experience of working in our local water company, Portsmouth Water, whose online webpage 2021 led with:

"Tracey Viney has worked with Portsmouth Water for 11 years and played a pivotal role in shaping the proposed Havant Thicket reservoir. As the project takes off she looks back and shares her commitment to the environment and wildlife on the site:"  Please note: this is the planned reservoir before Southern Water's investment plans included adding treated effluent.

She remains passionate and her experience and expertise is helping us all to voice our objections to Southern Water's shocking plans to add treated effluent to our reservoir.  Whatever your view please do sign up to Tracey Viney's online talk:  Tuesday 19 November at 19.00 on behalf of the Chichester & Arun Green Party. They are planning to cascade the information on the talk widely across interested groups in West Sussex and hopefully to the IOW too.  Clearly this is a major regional issue and, unless we stop it, it will become a national one too.   


The title of the talk is: Effluent Recycling Concerns and a Better Way Forward


We need your help to let as many people know as possible, the talk flier is attached as a jpg and pdf, so hopefully you will be able to use these to cascade information about the talk.


This is a really good opportunity to raise awareness about our concerns, the consultation (ending Wed. Dec. 4th) and how to respond.


Hope you can help with cascading the details to anyone you think might be interested and via social media.  Following such talks online, there is usually the opportunity for questions/answer sessions and Tracey is very good at explaining issues: her knowledge is thorough.


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