Police and Crime Commissioner
Just in case you haven't yet looked up any of these candidates, these are the online links that I found which at least provides us with a little more background information about them if they are unknown to you. Please share any information with anyone locally whom you know does not access the internet.
Alphabetically by surname:
Bunday, Tony: His statement on this page: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/73092/tony-bunday
His own web page: https://www.tonybunday.co.uk/
James-Bailey, Steve: His statement on this page: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/47708/steve-james-bailey His own web page: https://hantsind.com/pcc/
Jones, Donna: Has her own web page https://www.donnajones.org.uk/ More contact links https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/17775/donna-jones
Murphy, Richard: has his own web page https://www.richardmurphy.news/ More contact links