Southern Water at Meridian Centre Tomorrow
This is an urgent message: Southern Water & Portsmouth Water will be available tomorrow, Saturday, at Havant's Meridian Centre 10:00 - 4:30pm for Havant residents to find out about 3 options for recycling water into the enlarged Havant Thicket Reservoir - which I understand will lose more woodland than the planned HS2 development. Please read the following taken from Havant Civic Society & which has vital information plus a link to the consultation which ends August 16th. I understand that the companies will be noting how many people turn up at tomorrow's event - I heard about it from a Havant Civic Society member. Note: Government's allocated increased housing for Havant and other southern regions will draw in more residents from elsewhere & Havant is the 15th most densely populated authority in England. Please also note: the Environment Agency apparently refused the Desalination Plant option below, possibly because of the combined objections of local Councils, the New Forest and the MP. I understand that groundwork for the Budds Farm option is underway.
Please click on the Havant Civic Society link above for more, detailed information.
" On Saturday 16th July, Southern Water and Portsmouth Water representatives will be at the Meridian Centre from 10:00am – 4:30pm, putting their case for our support to a vast new development project which will mean fundamental changes to the operation of the Havant Thicket Reservoir and the boring of tunnels under many residential properties.
If this concerns you, and it should, then please take the time to read this post and make the time to go to the Meridian Centre and ask the questions you will surely have. Most importantly, sign up to the consultation process and have your say through the official channel. The links are provided at the bottom of this post.
Southern Water Public Consultation closes on 16th August
The terms ‘Water Transfer’ and ‘Water Recycling’ have resurfaced in the latest approach by Southern Water to clean up its image. However, the meanings of both terms seem to have subtly changed since the company published its ‘Water for Life’ strategy last year.
The Water for Life consultation brochure covered a number of options based around three solutions to the predicted water supply shortfall.
Water Transfer – The transfer of excess fresh water from other regions of southern England, such as, from Wessex Water, Bristol Water and/or South West Water, via new pipelines from the west.
Desalination – A proposal to build a state of the art desalination plant at Ashlett Creek, near Fawley.
Water Recycling – A proposal to build a state of the art advanced water recycling plant either near Peel Common, Fareham, or near Budds Farm, here in Havant.
The first solution sought to move fresh water from regions in the south of England which had excess capacity, to the south east where Southern Water predicted potential future shortages. A relatively simple alternative, with proven technology and a low carbon footprint, while achievable with a nationalised industry, would hardly have proven a hit with the privatised water utility shareholders.
The second and third solutions, ‘desalination’ and ‘water recycling’, referred to state-of-the-art industrial plants new to the UK, either of which would use the same energy-intensive reverse osmosis filtration process to purify incoming water at the molecular level. Novel technology with a high carbon footprint which outputs 70% clean drinking water at the expense of 30% concentrated waste. The solid waste is sent to landfill while warm, concentrated liquid waste is discharged through outfalls into the Solent.
Southern Water – ‘Water for life’ – Page 23