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Your Views on Dog Walkers

Havant BC seeks residents' views on dog fouling, dogs being off leads in open spaces or on our Blue Flag Beach as part of a consultation for the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSBO). If accepted, the PSBO would replace the Borough's existing controls and any breaches could result in owners receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice fine of £75. Unfortunately this appears to have to be, yet again, completed online but if someone needs paper copies they should apply to the Council Offices. This link has both documents and the questionnaire:

HIRA brought to HBC's our Councillors' attention last year the need to monitor more closely dogs off leads, particularly when owners ignore or seem to be unaware of their dogs' fouling so do not pick it up and dispose of it in a bin. This consultation is therefore welcome but it should have been prominently raised in HBC's recent magazine 'Serving You' sent to all households last Autumn; PSBOs were introduced by the Government in October 2015 so there has been plenty of time to introduce them to the public.

The consultation runs from Monday January 2nd to Tuesday January 10th so ensure that you and your neighbours and friends on Hayling have their say.

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