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Air Ambulance

Those who couldn’t make our June Hampshire and IOW Air Ambulance (HIOWAA) talk at the Royal British Legion Hall missed an excellent evening. Toby Hazan and Nick Riches, volunteer speakers for HIOWAA, gave a fascinating insight into this entirely charitable service. Hampshire’s single helicopter is staffed by both a trauma Doctor and a paramedic backed up by on-board facilities providing A&E level treatment. Although newly provided night flying has doubled equipment costs that now run to £3 million annually, this provides us all with a fantastic medical service funded entirely by our donations – so please give generously! Find HIOWAA online, Facebook and phone 023 8033 3377 and please ensure it is Hampshire and IOW as there are other, separate Air Ambulances.

Information is key to good decision-making, that’s why HIRA members pay for open Public Meetings that provide everyone with insights into issues that affect us all. This year our RNLI, County Hustings and the Air Ambulance Meetings made all those attending think again about both the voluntary services we rely on and the political decision-making shaping our communities. It was disturbing to learn that there are voters who made no effort to discover candidates’ background beyond prepared material online or through the door; that’s why Public Meetings are so important, to see and hear how candidates cope with live questions/answers.

Hayling’s Infrastructure Review continues and both HIRA and Save Our Island are doing all we can to ensure that fundamental questions are being kept to the forefront. Getting answers is a slow process. The Review Committee’s Chairman, Cllr. Wilson, explained that Havant Borough Council must explore all avenues before making final decisions affecting its Housing Plan. Whilst it appears that Service Providers have not been as forthcoming as we had all hoped, Freedom of Information Requests have had a few constructive results. This Review Committee is a most important democratic process, involving non-aligned residents i.e. who are not employed by either Council nor answerable to political bodies, in decisions affecting current and future generations on the Island. We provide valuable insights from our many professional backgrounds. It is our intention to ensure that, at the next Infrastructure Review Meeting, the Committee moves forward with the plan to establish the sustainable environment for the Island.

Whilst we love Hayling throughout the year, we each need to remember to ‘leave no trace’ and politely remind others to follow suit. The new Public Space Protection Order (PSBO) replaces Borough byelaws. This means: dogs are no longer allowed in any fenced children’s play areas whether on or off leads; dogs must be on leads in any churchyard and cemetery; owners must clean up after their pets in public spaces so if you can’t see your dog then you can’t see them fouling or even distressing another dog or person; higher fines will be issued. We all know how unpleasant it is to see not only faeces when we’re out enjoying the fresh air, but also disrespect of others because dogs are out of control. I have even seen pony riders struggling when out of control dogs harass their animals while dog owners’ calls are ignored by their dog.

Next open Public Meeting: Thursday October 19th 7:30 pm at Hayling College. Contact us: or Drop Box: The Terracotta Pot & Gift Shop, Eastoke, Morris Dibben, Mengham, Library, Elm Grove, Hayling Island Community Centre, West Town.

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