Eastoke Beach Concerns
Following local residents' concerns about the height of the shingle along this section, preventing the enjoyment of the sea views, the subsequent falling of large pebbles onto the promenade, potential injury to pedestrians and difficulties for those with mobility problems, Havant Borough Council response could be summed up as follows:
> The shingle is part of Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership (ESCP) strategy to protect properties by the continuous movement of shingle along the beach. Open views means open to floods and the protection of people and their property comes first.
After HIRA"s Oct. 19th Public Meeting last week when we raised this issue, an Eastoke resident emailed us with the following news:
"Today walking along the promenade from Sandy Point to Eastoke Corner we were surprised to be able to just see the sea for most of the way. So it looks like they have bulldozed and dropped the height of the shingle back down, either as a result of HIRA emails and meeting, or some one from HBC has actually walked along the prom and realised that you could not see the sea, and then perhaps had a word with the ESCP / contractors.
The sea view is still not ideal , especially for any one lower than 5' - 8" height, children or wheel chair users. The problem for us is what is / was the design height originally agreed / necessary for the sea defence above AOD "above ordnance datum" for 1: 200yrs flood, and the promenade height."
Residents will remember that HBC's ESCP presented their work and strategies to HIRA's AGM/Public Meeting in October 2017 and residents were able to question and discuss aspects of this strategy then. The North Solent Shoreline Management Plan's policy is "Hold the Line' for the Hayling open coast and Beach Management is the preferred option for delivering flood and erosion protection to a 1 in 200 year standard of protection.
The Shoreline Management Plan was agreed and runs from 2017-2022, details can be found on their website
The next stage, we are told, is a new Hayling Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Scheme which will need to be funded by a mixture of local and national funding. It will be responding to the issues of sea level rise, of ageing sea defences amongst others.
As always, residents are encouraged to read policies online or at the Plaza or our Library - always worth asking the Council to provide information in hard copy there - and then email/write to your Councillor cc Cllr. Pike and HIRA to express any concers or comments you might have.