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Register for Local Plan

The Council's Pre-Submission Local Plan to 2036 (details of which in HIRA's members' Dec. Newsletter) will be published Tuesday Jan. 22nd on the Council's website. I urge you to click & register on this link so that you directly obtain an electronic newsletter regarding this final Plan that will be voted on by full Council Jan 30th. Deputations can be made so I urge you to spend time reading the Development Sites, letting HIRA know your views on specfifics, with reasons,as a matter of urgency: please use the contact form on this website to do so.

Usually there is only a limited amount of total time for Deputations, so we should be careful not to have many so that the carefully argued and researched presentations are not reduced to too little time.

Once a resident has entered their email address, a list of Council services will appear. Residents can select as many services as they wish to stay up-to-date with. To receive email updates on the emerging Havant Borough Local Plan (HBLP) 2036, residents should select the ‘’Local Plan’’ option. In doing so, residents will receive the following via email:

  • The Local Plan Newsletter and

  • Notifications about upcoming Development Consultation Forums (DCFs).

Please note, the Local Plan Newsletter will include information about upcoming public consultations etc.

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