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Sinah Bore Holes

The following is a letter signed by 3 Sinah Lane residents to Mr. David Hayward, Planning Policy Manager for Havant Borough Council. If you have any comments please send them, with your reasons, to Mr. Hayward and your local Councillors. There are important principles at stake here. Regarding photos referred to, they are not copied here but appear to show blue barriers and pavement markings on Sinah Lane. If you wish to discuss any of the issues raised in the letter, please complete this site's Contact Form for HIRA and we'll forward your enquiry to the letter's authors for them to reply to you directly.

"Are you aware that Barratt Homes has contracted Beames Construction, a local company, to bore four "trial " holes in the pavement at the entrance to the proposed development site on Sinah Lane? (see photos).

According to the subcontractor yesterday, the holes are to find the routing of all services including water, sewage, gas, fibre optic cabling etc. in preparation for the anticipated development go ahead. The work is planned to take 3-4 weeks. Although SSE warned residents about the potential disruption before they started work, there has been no such notification from Barratt Homes or the sub contractor.

The route of the electricity cable in the road is known as it is being renewed by SSE between two sub stations, one at the west end of Sinah Lane and the other in Dances Way.

According to SSE this work which started in mid-June is absolutely essential and has nothing to do with the Barratt development. However, the substations happen to be in close proximity to the SW and NE corners of the development site. This work continues to cause considerable inconvenience to road users and pedestrians from Sinah Lane to West Town. Coincidentally, one of the new electricity cable joints is directly opposite the proposed site entrance!

The entrance to the field also houses the subcontractors site office (JCM Groundworks) and storage area, allegedly rented from the farmer on a monthly basis. This causes continual disruption and noise pollution to local residents. Large contract diggers and dumpers are accessing the site on a regular basis throughout the day. Also, HGV's park in the road delivering contract vehicles and sand and spoil through the field entrance. (see photo taken this morning).

The Barratt Homes latest Amendment to APP/18/00724 is still under review with over 500 public objections from Hayling Island residents AND a recent objection by the Langstone Harbour Board dated 5th August on the grounds of damage to "the landscape and nature conservation".

It is requested that this latest effort by Barratt Homes is formally put on hold until the results of the revised Transport Assessment under the Satchwell Amendment is published."

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