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Final Local Plan Consultation!

The final Consultation, as required by the still current Planning Rules Sec. 19, is now open for comment so please forward this information to as many other residents as possible.  Note: there is no longer a paper Serving You, and HBC communications to us are electronic.  I strongly urge you to follow the link and to urge others to take the time to read through the documentation.  Encourage those not on computers to contact the Council to find out how residents can read hard copies and make their views known other than online.  I shall be interested to hear the response to that query.

Deadline: December 17th 2020 so spread the word!  

From Havant Borough Council:

We are writing to let you know that the Council has published the Changes to the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan and this is now available for public consultation[1] on our website at:

Since the consultation on the Pre-Submission Plan at the beginning of 2019, we have made a number of changes to the Plan which are now subject to public consultation. The consultation will mean that a consolidated plan can then be submitted for the independent inspector to consider. This consultation is focused on the changes, particularly those more significant ones which are marked up with an arrow and reference number within the consultation version of the plan. This is due to them being subject of a further sustainability appraisal.

The changes are made following recent case law and as a result of the comments made during the last consultation and some of the suggested changes made at that time. This consultation is for you to tell the Inspector whether you believe that the changes being made are legally compliant and sound.

If you commented on the Pre-Submission Plan in 2019, your representations will still be submitted to the inspector. Please do not re-submit your comments from the last consultation. Instead, please submit your comments on the changes. The Government inspector will have access to all the comments from the consultations in 2019 and 2020 as well as reports highlighting the main issues raised in both consultations. You can see the report on the main issues raised in the 2019 consultation at

How to respond

Your comments must be received by 4pm on 17th December 2020 and you must submit them using the prescribed form. Response forms are available on our consultation webpage at:

It is recommended that you download and complete your comments, then either email the completed form(s) to (please enter the words ‘Pre-Submission Local Plan comments’ into the subject bar of the email), or post them to Planning Policy Team, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX. Letter or email comments that do not use the form will not be accepted.

At this stage, unless you indicate you wish to appear at the examination you will not have the right to do so. Please note there is no guarantee you will be invited to the examination. The Inspector will decide who they wish to invite to each session. Any written representations will however, carry the same weight as any evidence presented at the Examination Hearings. There are more details about how to respond to the Pre-Submission Consultation in the statement of representations procedure which is available on our consultation webpage at:


A guidance note titled “A step by step guide to commenting on the Pre-Submission Local Plan - How to submit your comments” which takes you through the form step by step and a guidance video can be found on our website at:

If you have any further queries, you can contact the Planning Policy team by emailing or calling 023 9244 6019.

[1] Consultation in compliance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).


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