Parking Charges:Comment Deadline
The attached notice posted 5th March. Objections must be in by Thursday 25th March Charges will be implemented 1st April 2021 Changes A £10 fixed charge from 1 second to 24 hrs at the Sinah gun site “car parks” off Ferry Road. Beachlands parking times increased from 0800hrs -1800hrs to 0600hrs – 2200hrs
One residents' comment:
"The so-called car parks at the gun site are no more than the original 1940’s concrete laid as part of the gun site network. The beachlands car parks receive little to no maintenance despite the income from charges." Visit for details & make your comments with reference to AS/TRO/449 as the notice states by using the online form or by email to or in writing to the Council address: Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Havant, Hants. - by March 25th! If by email, you might copy in your Ward Councillors &/or Cllr. Wilson for their information.