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Environment Matters

Whilst many may feel that Spring is eluding us, we should remember that our wild birds are preparing, if not already building, their nests. Most of us greatly value the pleasure that our birds provide us but their environmental role should not be underestimated – we are interdependent. Those of us cutting hedges and trees need to be aware of the 1981 Wildlife & Countryside Act (which can be viewed on the RSPB website or at a Library), whether the hedge is ours or shared with our neighbours: to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built is an offence. For this reason it is recommended that cutting hedges and trees is avoided between March and August as this is the main breeding season.

On another environmental topic which itself has a serious impact on our road traffic, fuel consumption, pollution and highway wear and tear, Hampshire County Council’s 10 week public Consultation regarding the future of all its Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs), began on March 16th and will end at midday on Wednesday May 25th 2016. This of course includes Hayling’s own HWRC or ‘tip’ which many of us routinely use whenever we need to dispose of our own DIY, garden or other unwanted objects that we otherwise cannot get rid of. We know that such Centres organize our unwanted items so that they can be more responsibly recycled at the most local level practicable and we take them for granted.

It is vital that everyone thinks about the consequences of Hayling tip’s closure and uses the opportunity to put our own views with supporting reasons for the County Council’s consideration: we are well aware that, in planning cases, hundreds even thousands of individual responses weigh more heavily than a petition. Whilst the Council said that there is an explanatory leaflet on this matter for anyone using the tip, readers can easily provide their own response either online or on paper. Online go to which takes you to Hantsweb>Waste prevention and recycling>Household Waste Recycling Centres> ‘How to have your say’ directs you to a supporting information document with background information and proposals for changes, plus an online questionnaire for you to use: you must keep clicking on ‘Next’ buttons at the foot of pages. Alternatively telephone 0300 555 1389 to request a paper copy or you can email, with your views and reasons,

On other planning news, we note that O’Dell’s formal application for its Station Road/West Lane Development can now be viewed either online under Havant Borough Council’s Planning website or by phoning/visiting their offices. The rejection of the proposed development at Pullinger’s old site is now being appealed. Please be aware that any views and their reasons must be made individually either online or in writing referring to the Planning Application and always within the time limits given by the Council.

Development activities south of Victoria Road and north of Croft Lane have been brought to our attention by local residents who are concerned about the suitability of development in these areas. It is important to note that any concerns over developments must be addressed by responding to formal planning applications where all details can be available. However we share many residents’ anxieties that, often for cost reasons, major Developments’ Appeals can over-ride local democratic decisions; this can make a mockery of our Planning Laws, undermining democratic safe-guarding processes.

Most of HIRA’s members receive information by email, but if, as a member, you haven’t so benefitted, please provide your email to our address: Alternatively collect a membership form and use our communication drop sites at: HI Community Centre, the Library, Morris Dibben or The Terracotta Pot Shop. Don’t forget your subscription renewals!

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