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Barratt's website re:Hayling

If you didn't get to Barratt's exhibition of its proposed development of the field north of Sinah Lane, between the Billy Trail and North Shore Rd. you can view it online using the link below or inputting in your search engine.

Even if you don't live nearby the proposed site, it is important for everyone to understand the scale of developments that our restricted infrastructure, especially the A3023, is facing. The exhibition made clear that Barratts encourages discussion and constructive proposals before they submit an application which we can then all view and comment on, online or at the Plaza.

Apparently 162 homes are planned, 30% affordable homes although we know that figure can vary, the finger northward (in the plan depicted online) is for a SUDS (details online) drainage system, and a staff member said that Barratts must provide £1.37 million as CILT funding: we would all like to know exactly how much of that money will be guaranteed to be spent on Hayling. Where did the Goldring CILT money go?

We had the chance to write post it suggestions &, reading that there is ready pedestrian access to West Town and the cycle friendly Billy Trail, I asked if any of the development planners had themselves cycled or walked along the Billy Trail - which I understand is bone-jarring for cyclists - or Station Rd's narrow pavement, lack of pedestrian crossing and busy traffic on a treacherous 's' bend.

I leave you to engage with Barratt's Development Communications: (Director) who is interested in hearing from us, or make contact online using the form their site provides.

Incidentally our Havant Residents' Alliance learned that Winchester Council has been building up to several hundred Council homes over recent years & trying to ensure they remain affordable in perpetuity and can't be sold off. Meanwhile Havant Centre remains a brownfield site that the Government requires is developed in the first instance.

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