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Langstone Tech Park:Re-Development

Today we received notice, from our neighbouring Langstone Residents' Association (LRA), of Havant Borough Council's plans to re-develop Langstone Technology Park PO9 1SA. HBC's Development Consultation Forum notice is reproduced for you below, explanation of which is in the letter itself. The Briefing Notes are available from HBC Planning Office (email below). The LRA Planning Officer notes the following re this Application:

"HBC planners have forwarded the attached Notification of a Development Consultation Forum. This is the first detail we have of their thinking about the redevelopment of the facility. It appears the proposal is to demolish part of the original award winning Arup Associates building and create a new car park in that location. They can then build new 'industrial units' on the existing car parks in the south west corner of the site. This will obviously reduce the on site parking while significantly increasing the employment area. " Another LRA member expresses concern about the increased traffic that this will create.

I share the LRA's Planning Officer's view that, with Council Elections now concluded, we trust the Leader of the Council, Hayling's re-elected Cllr. Michael Wilson, will now re-convene the Hayling Island Infrastructure Advisory Group and include this re-development plan on its next Agenda. This is of fundamental importance to re-visiting Hayling's Transport Assessment as voted on in January 30th's Council Meeting.

Please follow up your own concerns or questions with your elected Councillors and if you wish, copy HIRA in to any responses that you may have. As Councillor candidates all stated at our April Hustings, they are there to represent you so do ensure that they know your views.

Havant Borough Council letter below:

Our Ref: GEN/19/00370

Direct Line: (023) 9244 6549

Ask For: Mr D Eaves

03 May 2019

Development Consultation Forum: Development Consultation Forum(DCF) proposal for (1) outline permission for part demolition and reconfiguration of Building 1000 and reconfiguration of car park layout

and (2) detailed permission for new employment (B1c, B2 and B8) units.

Site Address: Langstone Technology Park, 2B Langstone Road, Havant, PO9 1SA

At the developer's request, Havant Borough Council has agreed to hold a Development Consultation Forum (DCF) to consider their development proposals.

A DCF is essentially an opportunity for a developer of a significant development to present the proposals to a wider audience prior to submitting a planning application and for the Council to hold a structured discussion about it. Key stakeholders will also be invited to attend. The Council hopes that as a result of the DCF the developer will be better informed as to the community expectations prior to submitting a application.

The meeting is held in public but is not a public meeting and therefore only invited speakers, councillors and officers can contribute.

The Council has decided to hold a Forum to discuss the following proposal:

Development Consultation Forum(DCF) proposal for (1) outline permission for part demolition and reconfiguration of Building 1000 and reconfiguration of car park layout and (2) detailed permission for new employment (B1c, B2 and B8) units.

You are invited to attend and contribute to the Development Consultation Forum as an ‘invited speaker’, each speaker receives a 5 minute allotment of time. If you wish to attend and contribute, please email (with the subject line DCF Invitation Acceptance) or speak to the lead Planning Officer, Mr D Eaves. Please respond no later than one week before the date of the Forum.

If you are unable to attend you may send in your comments.

The arrangements for the meeting are:

Location: Hurstwood Room (Council Chamber), Public Service Plaza

Date: Tuesday 21st May 2019

Time: 6.00 - 8.00 pm (doors open from 5.30 pm)

The details are available to view on our Development Consultation Forum page. A copy of the

developer's Briefing Note and Location Plan is attached.

Yours faithfully

Planning Services

Our Ref:GEN/19/00370

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