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Asset of Community Value

HIRA provided an A4 handout on this very important application that residents can make for any space currently used by the community and which you want to protect as an 'Asset'. You can find information about these online or from the Council, which has its own Application Form, but below is a summary of what an 'Asset' is and the application's purpose:

In England, an asset of community value (ACV) is land or property of importance to a local community which is subject to additional protection from development under the Localism Act 2011 Chapter 3 Part 5. Online you can find much information about these and how we can use them to help protect our local areas’ ‘assets’ from certain developments. There are constraints and you need to contact Havant Borough Council:; in order to gain Havant’s own application form and requirements, namely, Community Right to Bid Process together with an application form.

What is an “asset of community value”?

An asset of Community Value is one which has a principal use, either currently or in the recent past, that furthers the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community and that this use will continue to further the social wellbeing or interests of the local community.

Where the asset does not currently demonstrate `community value’ (as above), it may still be nominated where it is possible to demonstrate that the asset’s main use did further the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community in the recent past and where it is realistic to think that it will do so again in the next five years.

What kinds of assets could be considered as having ‘community value’?

The following examples give an indication of the types of assets which may be defined as having ‘community value:’

Education, health and wellbeing or community safety

This could include:

  • Nurseries and schools

  • Children’s centre

  • Health centre, surgeries and hospitals

  • Day care centre, residential care homes

Sport, recreation and culture

This could include:

  • Parks and open green spaces

  • Sports and leisure centre

  • Libraries

  • Theatres

  • Museums or heritage sites

  • Cinemas

  • Swimming pools/lidos

Community services

This could include

  • Community centre

  • Youth centre

  • Public toilets

Local democracy

This could include:

  • Town, civic and guild halls

Any economic use (e.g. a business such as a shop) which also provides an important local social benefit which would no longer be easily available if that service should cease.

This could include:

  • Village shops

  • Pubs

  • Markets

Please note: 2 Hayling residents recently (Spring and Summer 2016) applied for Asset of Community Value to be applied to 1) Hayling Billy Pub 2) Stoke Woodland between A3023 and the Billy Trail; both were turned down. We therefore urge residents to seriously consider where on Hayling such a protection could be applied before that potential asset is lost to public use.

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