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Sinah Update

A HIRA member spoke to Planning this morning about the Sinah Lane Application and they advised him of the following:

- The issue of the white planning notices was delayed so the deadline has been extended from 27 August to 4 September.

- 5 planning notices have just today been displayed as follows: one at the entrance to the field, one at each end of North Shore Close, one at the entrance to the Billy Trail and one at Furniss Way.

- The date of issue of the Highways Report is still unknown but may be as late as the end of the year.

- A decision on the Barratt application will not be made until the Highways report has been issued.

He has arranged for a waterproofed A3 poster boldly set out and reading "SAVE OUR ISLAND SAY NO TO SINAH DEVELOPMENT NO LATER THAN 4TH SEPTEMBER 2018 APP/18/00724" to be printed by Hayling Print. Discounted price is £3 each so please request one or more directly from Hayling Print, 66B Elm Grove, for the attention of Callum tel. no. 02392 359458 or email: .

He has ordered 20 and has already "sold" 7 locally in 20 mins!

Campaigners would be grateful if readers could spread the word.

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