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Billy Trail Latest!

Please take the time to visit and read HBC's web page.

It provides us with the latest information concerning Hants. County Council's successful £600,000 bid to create an all-weather surface to the Trail's north section. Importantly it provides answers to the many questions, such as why the northern section of the Trail was chosen despite it being in far better condition than the southern end.

Within that HBC report are two further 'newsletters' which are equally important to read: they provide the rationale for the grant and the plans to provide "feasibility" studies in order to further the improvements down to the Sea Front to the beach, and also along other routes on Hayling. Further bids will have to be made but these publications provide explanation as to what is happening, what is under consideration, and why.

May I suggest that the above web page and linked 2 newsletters are carefully read before any suppositions are reached. It appears that there will be further consultation with residents but for that it cites that there will be notice in the Hayling Herald - that's at least an improvement on communication with islanders! So look out for any such notices as it appears that the last most recent November 'meetings' were not well attended perhaps because they were insufficiently advertised.


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