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Your Island Needs You!

Every one of us needs to encourage Havant BC to pause development pending an infrastructure review. This is what you, your friends and family on Hayling can do now to help the SAVEHAYLING campaign:

1. Contact HIRA using this site's Contact form or offering to deliver what A5 leaflets you can and which roads. We must get the message to as many as possible. We can tell you where & when to collect them.

2. Collect the single sided A4 flyer from Bentley Walker's shop from today & post it in your front window - especially if you have a front garden. IMPORTANT UPDATE: today HBC put back the November 16th Cabinet time to 6:00pm so spread the word please!

3. Bentley Walker's shop now has a paper/manual petition so tell anyone who hasn't got an email to go there to sign it. The Terracotta Pot Shop will also have a copy for you to sign.

For more guidance as to what to do next we will have the Residents' Alliance A5 leaflet enlarged and posted onto HIRA's Mengham Noticeboard and we can email it to you if you request it from us as above. We also urgently need your help to deliver our 2000 hard copies to streets near you! It MUST go out asap so that EVERYONE can take action.

Reply on this email to let us know if you will help.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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