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Minutes of HIRA AGM & Public Meeting 19th October 2017

Hayling College, Church Rd., PO11 0NU

7:30 – 10 pm

Minutes taken by Robert Woodward

1.All welcomed and apologies for absence had been received from a number of members plus 3 Committee members unable to attend.

2. Matters Arising from October 14th 2016 AGM Minutes

7:1 Re Neighbourhood Plan information distributed at that Meeting, no news of anyone taking it up.

7:2 Re Assets of Community Value, regrettably the application to assign this to Stoke Common on Havant Rd. was rejected because it has no been accessed by the public and is currently in private hands.

Re Audience’s practically unanimous vote asking that Alan Mak MP request of the Government to recognize Hayling Island’s uniqueness so as to curtail further development, was unfulfilled. However that audience’s request that development be stopped until prepared surveys have been done, subsequently contributed to the setting up of the Hayling Island Infrastructure Advisory Committee that commenced January 2017.

Minutes accepted as accurate: Proposed by Robert Woodward Seconded by Robert Sebley.

3. Chair’s Annual Report

It was explained that the Report would not be read out as all members had had copies in advance, together with the Accounts. However, Anne Skennerton (Chair) drew the audience’s attention to HIRA’s 9 key Objectives stated within the Membership Leaflet, available at the entry table. Anne pointed out that HIRA’s members pay for all the Public Meetings held that benefit Hayling residents by informing them and providing a forum for discussion about any matter affecting their lives. She encouraged the public to join, reminding them of its excellent value that includes the provision of: drop boxes contact now including the Library, email contact, a website, dedicated FB page, Islander monthly Article and regular news updates. HIRA has also supported such residents’ campaigns as the Tip, Beach Huts, Ferryboat and proposed minibus, and routinely speaks for residents at the Infrastructure Advisory Committee as well as being asked to represent residents in other public situations. HIRA has also been contacted by a number of local residents whose concerns had not been properly addressed by the Council, and HIRA’s network has helped those residents.

Anne emphasized that HIRA is a self-help group with no self interested funding except from residents. She asked members of the audience to consider joining the Committee, even for only a year, in order to ‘spread the load’. Anne also reassured people that Committee members are not expected to attend every Meeting, Committee or Public. HIRA needs their ideas and occasionally their practical help.

Anne expressed, on behalf of HIRA, grateful thanks to the following for their practical support for the residents in the form of printing: Morris Dibben and The Terracotta Pot and Gift Shop. She also stated that Cllr. Wilson’s Councillor Grant together with a member’s Business donation to HIRA, demonstrated how well HIRA’s work is regarded in the Community at large. Anne reminded all that it is essential for democracy that we all engage with the Council and our Councillors, and that HIRA endeavours to ensure that residents’ voices are heard.

4. Accounts

Our Auditor, Cllr. John Perry, has once again complimented our Treasurer on the clarity of our Accounts when he audited them. We have increased our membership and our Committee members.

The Accounts accepted as accurate: Proposed by Christopher Satchwell Seconded by Robert Woodward.

5. Election of Executive Committee 2017-8

We have had no-one come forward to replace any current officers and are delighted to report that both Wendy Coates and Peter Griffiths have agreed to join our Committee which also comprises: Rosemary Satchwell, Robert Woodward, Anne Skennerton, Jean Napleton, Tony Higham, Andrew Skennerton, Heather Mulgrew-Tonge. These names are also on our website with a few lines from each person.

The Executive Committee was re-elected: Proposed by John Meacham, Seconded by Mark Coates.

6. Resolutions

None received.

7. AOB 1) Richard Coates, a Governor of South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) region, updated the Meeting on a major change in the deployment of ambulance resources across the UK and specifically in our region commencing October 31st 2017. Richard spent 10 minutes using powerpoint slides to illustrate in detail exactly what these new, national standards are and how they will be implemented. He urged everyone to access the South Central Ambulance , once on this page scroll well down to Enclosure E for all the slides from Richard’s presentation. He wishes the public to contact the service on their website if there are problems in the service’s delivery.

2) Anne provided a brief update on Havant Borough Council’s Hayling Island Infrastructure Advisory Board/Committee: since January 31st 2017 there have been 5 Meetings, 3 at the Plaza, 2 (with thanks to Dave Parham’s hospitality) at Hayling Golf Club. The positives are that Havant Borough and Hampshire County Councils are making efforts to respond to repeated requests by us – particularly HIRA members and Dave Parham from Save our Island – for serious infrastructure information. Southeastern Hants Health Authority gave an excellent presentation in the Spring which we all found beneficial and were reassured that there are no plans to close our local Medical Centre but rather to find ways to at least slightly increase the medical rooms available in the current building, by having those practitioners, not needing medical facilities, to be accommodated in other buildings –these not yet known. The Authority and Council were also asked to look into the provision of a regular bus service to Havant’s Oak Park Community Medical Diagnostics facility to which patients may be referred from their GP.

At a forthcoming Infrastructure Meeting HIRA representatives hope to finally have a long-awaited presentation by Southern Water because this is one of the key and fundamental service providers for the Island. HIRA continues to press hard for acknowledgement of the A3023’s limited capacity in view of the proposed housing developments on the Island. There are ongoing studies of the A3023 capacity.

3) HIRA has been asked to speak to the full Council on November 14th 2017 6-8 pm when a Development Consultation Forum will listen to and Councillors will discuss our and Save our Island’s representations of residents’ views regarding Barratt’s proposal for 162 mixed tenure Homes for land north of Sinah Lane PO11 0EY. This is site UE18 ‘of uncertain potential’ on p. 12 of the Local Plan 2036. The public are invited to attend and may view Barratt’s briefing note and Location plan at the Plaza from 5:30 pm that evening. Please visit Havant BC’s website online:

Anne urged the public to let HIRA know their views on this matter, as residents, at their earliest opportunity so that HIRA can properly represent them.

Dave Parham, Save Our Island, had earlier requested and was therefore invited to speak on this and on the Infrastructure issues, because he is an active member representing residents’ concerns regarding all future development on Hayling. Dave made the following points re Barratt’s plans:

  • He felt they are misleading, selective in presentation, not even-handed and avoided addressing the risks to the environment. The public were urged to scrutinize the detail.

  • The Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) now required of all developments, is the length of 1.5 football pitches.

  • The site is a Category 3 Flood Risk.

  • The owner of the site is also the developer.

Dave also made the point that every green field on Hayling is going to be subject to planning applications. He emphasized that he and Save Our Island will continue to contest the proposed developments on Hayling.

4) Lidl Updates: Anne drew the audience’s attention to Lidl’s revised plans which have been posted by HIRA on our Facebook page, website , under Latest News, sent out to our members via email. She read out an excerpt from the news posting sent by Lewis Oliver of HBC’s Planning Department, requesting any comments should be made in writing, either to the Plaza or online

quoting the APP/17/00656 and received no later than 10 November 2017. “The Borough is keen for local people to be involved in the development management process.”

Anne referred to member Paul Fisher’s message to HIRA that perhaps Lidl could be sited at Pullinger’s and the Allotments to the rear. Paul was not present to present his view. Hayling Horticultural Society members present expressed grave disquiet at the prospect of losing Allotments when it has been 4 years since the Society had repeatedly lobbied the Council and their Councillors for more Allotments urgently required by residents; there has apparently been no progress on this matter. However Paul’s suggestion included re-locating the Allotments to the proposed Lidl development site on Manor Road.

Anne requested that residents let HIRA know urgently their views on this proposal.

5) A letter from Carole Jones, member, asked for an update on the rumour that the Tip is to close. When Anne asked them, none of the 4 Borough Councillors present had a definitive answer but Cllr. Andy Lenaghan pointed that County Cllr. Lance Quantrill was not present and he would be the person to ask. Anne asked if the Councillors would make enquiries on the public’s behalf.

6) Advance Meeting Dates: Anne informed the Meeting that our Meetings for Wednesday February 21st and Wednesday June 20th 2018 would take place at 7:30 pm at the URC on Hollow Lane.

7) HIRA President Theo Tott formally thanked Tony Higham, Committee member, for kindly donating his 21st century HIRA Minutes and materials to Theo. Theo is in the process of writing a history of Hayling Island Residents’ Association and he has found records in the 1800s referring to HIRA; however at some point it may be that the Association was re-formed.

Close of Formal AGM

Anne formally closed the AGM at 8:09 pm and introduced the 3 Guest Speakers all from Havant Borough Council, as follows:

Clare Dolan, in charge of Beach Management for Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership (ESCP) to provide a presentation on Flooding and Coastal Protection for our Island.

Andrew Pearce, Team Manager for Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership who would support Clare in answering questions on particularly non Beach Management issues.

Stuart Mangan, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, to focus on the importance and method of Community Resilience in order for every resident to be best prepared for any emergency.

Stuart Pinkney, Emergency and Safety Operation Officer at Havant BC Emergency Planning speaking about emergencies in which he has been involved as well as planning for possible emergencies.

Following presentations, questions and discussions, the Public Meeting concluded at 10:00 pm.

Anne thanked all the speakers once again for their presentations and informing Hayling residents about matters that affect all of our lives.

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