Time Sensitive Information!
Havant Borough Council drop-ins as of tomorrow:
All drop-ins free to attend according to your availability.
Leigh Park Community Centre, Dunsbury Way, PO9 5BG
Monday 11 February - 3pm – 7pm
United Reformed Church, Hollow Lane, PO11 9EY
Friday 15 February – 3pm-7pm
Brook Hall, North Street, Emsworth, PO10 7BY
Thursday 28 February - 3pm-7pm
Havant Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX
Wednesday 6 March - 3pm-7pm
Waterlooville Community Centre, 10 Maurepas Way, PO7 7FA
Saturday 9 March – 11am-4pm
Please note: These drop-ins are first come first served. They explain what’s in the Local Plan and why, help you understand the specific paperwork you will need to complete if you want to comment, help you understand the process moving forwards.
At this stage, you will need to submit your comments to the Inspector. So we are not able to: receive your feedback verbally, give feedback on your concerns or suggested changes, guarantee whether a suggested change will be accepted by the Inspector.
Other current consultations
At the same time, the council is running a number of other planning consultations: all links at the foot of this web page: http://www.havant.gov.uk/localplan. These are reviews of published documents needed as a result of the new Local Plan:
The Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule
The Local List of validation requirements
The Statement of Community Involvement
A review of the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area
A review of how we’ll consider parking for residential developments in town centres in our Parking Supplementary Planning Document
If you wish to respond to any of these consultations, please do so by email (below) or by post Planning Policy Team, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX. You cannot respond to these consultations using the Local Plan form. Please clearly indicate which consultation you are responding to when you write to us. As with the pre-Submission Local Plan please ensure we have received any comments regarding these consultations by 5pm on Monday 18 March.
If you have any further queries, please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing
policy.design@havant.gov.uk or calling 023 9244 6539.