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Hayling Coastline & Form Completion

Deadline for Local Plan Comments is March 18th 5pm. In response to Havant Residents' Alliance concerns re residents' problems accessing/saving/using Adobe Acrobat, Reader or other methods (eg Safari, Firefox for tablets or Apple) to save & complete the Council's Form, Planning Officer David Hayward replied that his offices had very few comments received, the online Form had been signed off with Cllrs. Turner & Bowerman as the relevant Cabinet Leads, that the Council has exceeded its minimal requirements under Regulation 18 (Local Planning consulations for Pre-Submission Local Plan), there are paper copies available from HBC, they've provided guidance online & as a booklet, & if comments are made by email or letter, it is quite possible that some of the questions that the form includes would not be answered, and that they understand that a large number of our elderly residents are not online but HBC have never denied access to information by making it online only. These are the key elements of Mr. Hayward's reply.

HIRA & mainland Residents' Associations have had countless residents of all ages and with computer experience, complain to us all that downloading and writing/typing into the form have defeated their efforts. Indeed HIRA and Save Our Island have actively helped people to provide their comments. This situation is undemocratic as it effectively makes this process far more difficult than it should be and will inevitably result in responses limited to the few who are not only able to navigate this tricky process, but can work their way through the countless - online! - documents.

HIRA's Feb 27th's Public Meeting was full to capacity in the main Hall and its side Annexe.

Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership Speakers gave detailed information about the coastal defence issues facing Hayling. You can request slides of their presentation, which simply and graphically explain Hayling's coastal problems, from HIRA using the link on this website. You may also wish to access Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership's website links to the North Solent Shoreline Management Plan as follows:

Policy Unit Statement for 5AHI05 Hayling Island open coast frontage:

You may like to compare the information you now have about Hayling's future prospects re Flooding/Coastal Protection with Havant Borough Council's own Evidence Base lists of documents under that heading, which can be found in its Local Plan 2036 website page which reminds you of the detailed information you must include. If you find any discrepancies then you might want to make your own comments using either HBC's paper copies, or our website's pdfs (available on opening up this website and waiting for the link to 'Have Your Say'), saved to your computer so that you can make your own comments to email in to HBC Planning Office.

We all need to find ways to effectively & correctly comment. You must include required information as indicated on the Council's Form & stick to straightforward comments.

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