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Editorial Deadline!

Editorial deadline: September 13th

NOTE: it's possible that the email on the poster you see in some locations will get through - check to find out - but the editor's email is as link, to the editor Elise, given above.

Please will you ensure that you get in any news/views/photos/notices/advertisements as a matter of urgency well before then. So many people want a local & locally produced hard copy paper which gives them all the local information as well as providing local advertisement. If you and everyone else don't use it, we lose it!

If you've been a distributor/want to be a distributor & help your local community, just email Elise on as above.

Apparently Stoke PO wants 200 (as before). So please email Elise & let her know you can distribute & the streets you are & ask for drop locations.

She definitely doesn't want the issue of payments nor donations but just a local, community based paper.

Info re FULL subscription details (due Sept. 1st) is on the Payment Method, front screen section of this website. Let us know once you've paid by whatever method. We have LIFE members listed so don't worry we know who you are! AGM/Meeting October 18th 7:15 for 7:30 pm start Hayling Island Community Centre. Main speaker to be confirmed but Jerry/Elise offered to update us on the paper.

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