Hayling Coastal Draft Strategy
Consultation now underway from Coastal Partners - see their post further below and visit their website for full details:
September 2022 – Public Exhibition Dates Released
Engagement with communities, landowners, local businesses, groups and residents has been key to shaping the Draft Strategy. Your continued involvement is essential to the success of the Strategy moving forward.
We will be sharing the Draft Coastal Management Strategy for Hayling Island with you during a 3-month public consultation period (Oct to Dec), to ensure that those who live, work and play on the Island have their say on the proposed recommendations.
We are holding two in-person exhibition events on Hayling Island:
Monday 17th October, 2:00pm – 5:00pm at the Northney Recreation Hall, PO11 0SB
Wednesday 19th October, 4:00pm – 7:30pm at the United Reformed Church, Hollow Lane, PO11 9EY
There is no need to book.
The events will be a fantastic opportunity for residents and visitors to understand why we are developing a coastal management strategy for Hayling Island, view the Draft Strategy (also online), talk to the project team in person and share your views.
For those who are unable to join us at these drop-in events, please visit the project webpage, where you can view the information presented at the events in your own time, from Monday 17th October.
To access the latest information and stay up-to-date on the project, please visit the project webpage.